This function executes the docker container annotate.1, where refGenome is used to annotated gene.results and isoforms.results outputs from RSEM using ENSEMBL GTF annotation
group = "docker",
peaks.file = getwd(),
extension = 10000
a character string. Two options: "sudo"
or "docker"
, depending to which group the user belongs
a character string indicating the MACS peak file, extension _peaks.xls, with full path
a character string indicating the file, with full path for the genome gtf
a number defining how many nucleotides should be expandend the extremes of the targetr gene to find an overlap with peaks, default 10000
one file: MACS2 peaks annotated
if (FALSE) {
#downloading fastq files
#running rsemannoByGtfchipseq
annoByGtfchipseq(group="docker", peaks.file=paste(getwd(),"h3k9me1_igg_peaks.xls", sep="/"),
gtf.file=paste("/Users/raffaelecalogero/Dropbox/courses/DUKENUS_JUL2019/course/course/datasets/genomes/mm10bwa","Mus_musculus.GRCm38.97.gtf", sep="/"), extension=10000)