This function executes the docker container ciri2merge by running the merge of different lists of circRNAs predicted by one of the supported tools following a sample data files provided by the user. The function executes also a filter based on the number of back-splicing reads computed in each experiment and across replicates of the same biological condition.
a character string. Two options: "sudo"
or "docker"
, depending to which group the user belongs
a character string indicating the scratch folder where docker container will be mounted
a character string indicating the data folder where the circRNA output files are located
a character vector indicating the identifiers of the samples
a character vector indicating the classes of the samples
a character vector indicating the order of covariates in the output files
the minimum number of back-splicing reads supporting a circRNA and detected in at least min_reps number of biological replicates of the same experimental condition (default = 2)
the minimum number of replicates associated with at least min_reads supporting a circRNA (default = 0)
the average number of back-splicing reads across biological replicates of the same experimental condition that shall support a circRNA (default = 10)
the tool used to predict the circRNAs. Supported tools are: ACFS, CIRI, CIRI2, CIRCexplorer, CIRCexplorer2, CircRNA_Finder, DCC, Find_Circ2, KNIFE, Uroborus.
Two tab-delimited tables reporting the BS supporting reads and the coordinates of the filtered circRNAs are reported
if (FALSE) {
#retrieve the example data
system("wget") #retrieve the example data
system("unzip ./circhunter-master/CircHunter/data/")
#running the circrnaMergePredictions function
circrnaMergePredictions(group="docker", scratch.folder="/data/scratch", data.folder="./circhunter-master/CircHunter/data/CIRI_predictions", groups.file="./circhunter-master/CircHunter/data/CIRI_predictions/SampleData.tsv", min_reads = 2, min_reps = 2, min_avg = 10, used.tool="ciri2")