This function runs deseq2 on a table genrated with sample2experiment having the covariates added in the names of the columns, separated by the names with underscore.
a character string indicating where the tables generated by samples2experiment are located and were results will be placed
a character string. Two options: "sudo"
or "docker"
, depending to which group the user belongs
a character string indicating the counts table generated with sample3experiment with addition of covariates
log2fc threshold for differetially expressed genes
fdr threshold
covariate to be used as reference
character with three options: gene, isoform, mirna. if gene is used two files are generated for geneset enrichment, the filtered Gene symbols and the background that contains all gene simbols.
logical FALSE, TRUE
Returns a full table of differentially expressed genes (prefix DEfull), a filtered table of differentially expressed genes (prefix DEfiltered) and the normalized counts table (prefix normalized)