This function executes the docker container bwa1 where BWA is installed BWA is a read alignment package that efficiently align short sequencing reads against a large reference sequence This aligner provides optimal results with DNA-seq data
a character string. Two options: "sudo"
or "docker"
, depending to which group the user belongs
a character string indicating where gzip fastq files are located
a character string indicating the scratch folder where docker container will be mounted
a character string indicating the folder where the indexed reference genomes generated by xenome are locates
a character string indicating the type of reads to be trimmed. Two options: "se"
or "pe"
respectively for single end and pair end sequencing
a number indicating the number of cores to be used from the application
ambiguous, both, neither, hs and mm fastq.gz files. xeno_hs_R1.fastq.gz and xeno_hs_R2.fastq.gz are fastq file free of mouse reads and are used for further analysis.
if (FALSE) {
#downloading examples 1 million reads of mcf7 exome mixed with 1 million of mouse derived by human exome capturing
#running xenome
xenome(group="docker",fastq.folder=getwd(), scratch.folder="/data/scratch",
xenome.folder="/data/scratch/hg19.mm10", seq.type="pe",