This function execute dePblkae analysis which detects differentiale expressed genes among clusters using a pseudobulk generated with autoencoders: autoencoder4pseudoBulk function. It is advisible to do the analysis on a dataset made of at least 20 permutation
dePblkae(group = c("sudo", "docker"), data.folder, scratch.folder)
a character string. Two options: sudo or docker, depending to which group the user belongs
folder where the total.csv file is located
where calculation is performed
a file called DE.txt, which contains for each cluster the ID of the genes detected as DE, a file called log2_reformatedCPM.psblkAE.csv, which contains the log2 CPM of the psblkAE file and a file log2_reformatedCPM.psblkAE_mean-centered.csv, where log2 CPM are mena centered.
if (FALSE) {